Copaiba (koh-pah-EE-bah) known as a magnifier Oil.
Copaiba Resin is extracted from trees growing in the wild. They are found mainly in the South American rain forests, particularly in Brazil, Columbia, Peru and Venezuela. Copaiba is technically the "stimulant oleoresin" produced by trees in the genus Copeifera, of which there are approximately 70 species of Copaiba tree. The resin is harvested by tapping or drilling holes into the tree's trunk, much like how rubber trees are tapped.
A single tree may yield as much as 40 litres of resin each year without any harm or damage coming to the tree itself or the surrounding rainforest. This means Copaiba essential oil is one of the planet's genuinely sustainable healing resources.
The Amazon rainforest represents over half of the planet's remaining rainforests. Betw7een 25 - 40% of our prescription medicine comes from 10% of the known rainforest plants. An estimated 5-25% of all plant species have been found. 1300 of the known 2000 cancer-fighting plants come from the rainforests. Today, about 40% of our prescriptions come from plant extracts or synthesized plant compounds.
Copaiba oil is used as a traditional Amazonian medicine, especially as an anti-inflammatory ingredient and for wound healing, and its use has been reported since the 16th century, utilized in traditional health practices by the natives of northern and northeastern Brazil.
Copaiba: (Copaifera-officinalis)
Also Known As: "Oil of Life"
Order: Lamiales
Family: Fabaceae (Leguminosae)
Origin: Brazil
Plant Part: Resin
Extraction Method: Distillation
Description: Pale yellow to yellow clear liquid, light in consistency.
Aromatic Summary: A soft woody base note, with a slight hint of sweetness.
INCI: Copaifera Officinalis (Balsam Copaiba) Resin
CAS Number: 8001-61-4
Herbal Actions: Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Analgesic/Anodyne
Primary Benefits
Supports the health of the cardiovascular, immune, digestive and respiratory systems*
Powerful antioxidant*
Helps calm, soothe, and support the nervous system*
Promotes clear, smooth skin and reduces the appearance of blemishes
Since the 16th century, copaiba essential oil has been utilized in traditional health practices by the natives of north and northeastern Brazil. Like Black Pepper essential oil, Copaiba can help soothe anxious feelings. When used externally, Copaiba promotes a clear, smooth complexion.
Copaiba is a very gentle resin. When taken internally, Copaiba essential oil supports the cardiovascular, immune, digestive, nervous, and respiratory systems. However, Copaiba does not contain psychoactive cannabinoids. The main component, caryophyllene, may be neuroprotective and have cardiovascular and immune benefits.* It’s also a powerful antioxidant that promotes immune health.
Copaiba has many benefits, but the most impressive health benefits of Copaiba essential oil include its ability to reduce pain, eliminate inflammation, protect against infections, heal the skin, prevent fungal growth, and boost respiratory health. It improves the health of the skin and hair, maintains bladder control, speeds up healing, tightens the skin, and lowers blood pressure.
Chemistry of Copaiba Oil
Main Chemical Components: Beta-Caryophyllene, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, carboxylic acid, diterpenes.
The most distinguishing characteristic of Beta-Caryophyllene (BCP) is the fact that it can be categorized as both a cannabinoid and a terpene, it's this molecule that interacts with cannabinoid receptors in your skin. This causes skin cells to produce beta-endorphin, one of the happiness hormones.
Cultivating & Harvesting
Copaiba resin is used in traditional Amazonian medicine, especially as an anti-inflammatory ingredient and for wound healing, and its use has been reported since the 16th century. American settlers reported that the Natives applied this oil in the navel of newborns and the wounds of the warriors after battles.
Copaiba Balsam Resin is extracted from trees growing in the wild. They are found mainly in the South American rain forests, particularly in Brazil, Columbia, Peru and Venezuela. The resin is harvested by tapping or drilling holes into the trunk of the tree, much like how rubber trees are tapped. Although this resin is often referred to as balsam, it is not a true balsam.
The Amazon rainforest represents over half of the planet's remaining rainforests. A single tree may yield as much as 40 litres of resin each year without any harm or damage coming to the tree itself or the surrounding rainforest. This makes Copaiba essential oil one of the planet's genuinely sustainable healing resources.
Learn more about Copaiba Amazing Trees: the Copaiba Oil story